Acolyte Ministry
The role of acolyte has a rich history dating back to 252 A.D., assisting with the preparation of the table. Today, acolytes play an important part in all aspects of the worship service. They are part of the procession in at the beginning of the service and out at the end.

Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Ministry
- Facebook account of Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Ministry
- Twitter account of Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Ministry
- Behance account of Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Ministry
- Dribble account of Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Ministry
- Linkedin account of Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Ministry
Episcopal Youth Community is a growing ministry for middle and high school youth. Our purpose is to form disciples by sharing unconditional love and inclusivity through Jesus Christ. We serve our community through volunteer acts and serve our souls with field trips and activities.

Pastoral Care Ministry
Pastoral care is a collective effort to establish clear communication-lines for parishioners to express needs and receive a timely response to their calls… to learn to serve one another with joy… to pay attention to our people’s comings and goings… to provide connection and communion for our home-bound parishioners… to support the clergy in meeting the pastoral needs of the congregation.

Sound and Video Ministry
There’s a lot that goes into streaming our services live and not everything is done on Sunday morning. Many of the tasks to prepare for a service can be done from home and take as little as 10 minutes a week! Join the Sound and Video Ministry and help BRINGING ST ED’S TO THE WORLD!

Altar Guild Ministry
The Altar Guild tends the Altar for all services. This includes maintaining supplies of candle oil and communion wine, baking communion bread, maintaining Altar candles and linens, and cleaning and preparing the Altar for each service whether it be each Sunday service or special services. Members of the Guild are welcome to participate in any or all of these functions.

Buildings and Grounds Ministry
This ministry is responsible for the upkeep of the interior and exterior of the church buildings, including the trimming of the bushes and shrubs, grass mowing, raking leaves and other miscellaneous outdoor work.

Education for Ministry (EfM) Ministry
EFM is a program of lay theological education in which participants study the breadth of the Christian tradition from the earliest period to the present. Students learn the disciplines of biblical critical interpretation, systematic theology, church history, ethics, liturgics and ascetical theology. The EFM program can be completed in four years, although some people take one year at a time and occasionally skip a year.

Finance Ministry
St. Edward’s Finance Committee is responsible for providing support, advice and guidance to the Vestry, clergy and staff as it relates to church related financial matters. If you have particular training or expertise in finances or accounting and have an interest in this ministry, please contact Bill Paasewe at williampaasewe@aol.com

Music Ministry
The music program at St. Edward’s is made up of roughly 28 intrepid choir members, ranging in age and experience level: some are professional singers, organists, conductors, and performers; some are just making their foray into the world of choral singing. It all works! We pull in musicians from our ‘tween and teen population from time to time.

Christian Formation Ministry
St. Edward’s, adults participate in Bible Study, book clubs, workshops, and Advent and Lenten mediations and programs to grow in faith.
Through classes on Sunday, our children learn our beliefs and traditions, grow in faith, form friendships, participate in our community, and find a safe space to express themselves. Our curriculum emphasizes God’s presence and love in our everyday lives and worship.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Ministry
- Facebook account of English as a Second Language (ESL) Ministry
- Twitter account of English as a Second Language (ESL) Ministry
- Behance account of English as a Second Language (ESL) Ministry
- Dribble account of English as a Second Language (ESL) Ministry
- Linkedin account of English as a Second Language (ESL) Ministry
Description coming soon!

Flower Guild Ministry
Members of the Flower Guild arrange flowers for Sunday morning and other special services during the year. In addition, they
decorate the church during Christmas and Easter seasons. The contact person for the Flower Guild is Marvelle Martin, who can be reached at whistl48@hotmail.com.

Invite Welcome Connect (IWC) Ministry
Description coming soon!

Nursery Ministry
Our goal is to provide a safe, nurturing environment for infants and children up to 4 years old during the worship services. Care will be provided by volunteers from the congregation.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawls and Prayer Lap Rugs are prayerfully knitted or crocheted by various members of our congregation. They are then blessed and made available to be dispersed. Any one can take
a shawl to give to a person they feel is in need of being wrapped in prayer.

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew Ministry
The St. Edward’s chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew welcomes you and invites you to join us!

Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Ministry
Description coming soon!

Foyers Ministry
The French word “foyer” means “hearth or fireside” and suggests small groups in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Foyers at St. Edward’s are small, gatherings of members who meet for a simple meal at a home or local restaurant on a regular basis in order to get to know one another better and to become more integrated into our parish family. If you are interested in joining or starting a foyers group, please contact Charles Rogers at charlesnmarylu@gmail.com.

Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM) Ministry
An LEM is a lay person licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the eucharist. Lay eucharistic ministers may be licensed to administer the consecrated bread and wine at any celebration of the eucharist in the absence of a sufficient number of priests and deacons to assist the celebrant.

Red Wagon (Lawrenceville Co-op Community Food Bank) Ministry
- Facebook account of Red Wagon (Lawrenceville Co-op Community Food Bank) Ministry
- Twitter account of Red Wagon (Lawrenceville Co-op Community Food Bank) Ministry
- Behance account of Red Wagon (Lawrenceville Co-op Community Food Bank) Ministry
- Dribble account of Red Wagon (Lawrenceville Co-op Community Food Bank) Ministry
- Linkedin account of Red Wagon (Lawrenceville Co-op Community Food Bank) Ministry
Description coming soon!

Ushers and Greeters Ministry
The ministry of ushering is a crucial part of worship because it is one of the most visible ministries in the church. In Christ, you have received God’s unconditional love, and, in Christ, you are called to extend that same unconditional love to others. Although an usher’s love is no stronger than the love found in the whole congregation of the body of Christ, nevertheless the usher performs a major role in ensuring that people see and experience that love.