The role of acolyte has a rich history dating back to 252 A.D., assisting with the preparation of the table. Today, acolytes play an important part in all aspects of the worship service. They are part of the procession in at the beginning of the service and out at the end.
They may have any of a number of duties during the service including:
- Crucifer who carries the cross
- Torchbearers who carry the candles
- Gospel Bearer who holds the Gospel
- Thurifer who carries the thurible during services using incense
Acolytes may also assist with preparation of the altar.
Serving as an acolyte is very rewarding. Any confirmed member of the church can be an acolyte, regardless of age. Regular training sessions are held throughout the year.
If you are interested in becoming an acolyte, contact:
Salena Staub – salenamoon@bellsouth.net
CLICK HERE for the Acolyte Instructional Guide
Acolyte Instructional Videos
Below are a series of videos covering the various roles that each Acolyte might perform at a service. Check back often as new videos will be added from time to time.