Lawrenceville Police Speak at Brotherhood Event

The Brotherhood hosted a breakfast event Saturday, Feb 24th. The highlight of the event was a presentation and discussion led by members of the Lawrenceville Police Department. The three officers pictured, from left to right, are: Crime Suppression Unit Sgt C. Ralston, Patrol Sgt T. Quimby, and Field Training Officer C. Carey.

Officer Carey, kicked off the meeting with introductions and a description of the venue, including various programs conducted by the Lawrenceville Police Department.

Sergeant Ralston then led a presentation on a program developed by Texas State University titled Avoid | Deny | Defend. This program is used to train law enforcement officers across the nation on how to rapidly respond to dangerous active threat situation. The presentation was fascinating, enlightening and well received.

After the presentation, the three officers spent over an hour answering questions and sharing experiences.

With out a doubt, this was a Saturday morning well spent! The Brotherhood hopes to host similar programs in the future. We’ll be sure to let you know the next one and hope you’ll be there!

For more information on the Avoid | Deny | Defend program, go to: