Stewardship Committee Annual Report 2018

Annual Report of the Stewardship Committee for 2018
The Stewardship Theme for 2018 was Growing Our Faith Through Generosity. The
Committee instituted a Ministry Spotlights program for the year which involved weekly
highlighting a different parish ministry: a summary of the ministry was included in the online
Weekly Announcements and the Sunday Parish Notes and the ministry head or designee made a
brief presentation at Sunday services.
In preparing for the 2019 Stewardship Campaign, the Committee prepared a draft pledge
form along with a proposed ministry theme, both of which were presented to the Vestry for its
consideration. The Pledge Form was approved and the Stewardship Theme for 2019 is Counting
Our Blessings and Responding Faithfully.
The 2019 Stewardship Campaign began Sunday, October 21. For five Sundays, from
October 28 thru November 25th, various parishioners spoke about their personal Stewardship
journeys at both Sunday services. The In-Gathering is scheduled for Sunday, December 2.
During 2019, the Committee plans to re-institute the Ministry Spotlights program. In
addition, the Committee will be working to develop and institute other Stewardship activities for
the parish.
The chair wishes to thank all of the ministries of the parish and all of the ministry heads
for their cooperation and assistance in the Ministry Spotlights program; Father Gordon and
Father Fabio for their support; and all of the members of the Committee for their continued
dedication and hard work.
Respectfully submitted,
Maxine Wheatley, Chair