Please note that our meetings on Tuesday have been temporarily suspended.
We will announce a new schedule as soon as possible.
Thank you, St. Edward’s Grief Support Ministry Team
Please note that our meetings on Tuesday have been temporarily suspended.
We will announce a new schedule as soon as possible.
Thank you, St. Edward’s Grief Support Ministry Team
Next Sunday, November 3rd, we will have just two services. The morning prayer service will take place as usual at 8:00 a.m. The All Souls liturgy will be a bilingual service held at 4:00 p.m. Bring any photos of those you want remembered with you Sunday afternoon.
Este domingo 3 de noviembre tendremos solo dos servicios. El servicio de oración de la mañana se llevará a cabo como de costumbre a las 8:00 a. m. La liturgia de Los Fieles Difuntos será un servicio bilingüe que se llevará a cabo a las 4:00 pm. Puede traer fotografías de aquellos que desee recordar para ser colocadas en el