March 27, 2022

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew Ministry


The St. Edward’s chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew welcomes you and invites you to join us!

St. Edward’s Episcopal Church – Nickelson Hall
737 Moon Road
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
The 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month
8:30 AM – 10 :30 AM
Our meetings start with breakfast and socializing followed by reading and discussion of the week’s scripture. We wrap up with the business meeting.

Most churches have men’s groups which meet for fellowship and bible study. At St. Edward’s, our men’s group is more than that because we are part of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, founded in 1883. Today, the Brotherhood is an international ministry within the Anglican Communion with the Commission to spread the word of God among all people but especially men and youth. We accomplish our purpose through Prayer, Study, Service and Fellowship. Please join us at our next meeting on January 13, 2024, for breakfast starting at 8:30. We normally finish around 10:15. We are especially reaching out to men who attend the 12:30 service as we discuss ways to overcome language limitations, so all men feel welcome in our Brotherhood and community. To learn more visit or talk to Darcey Tatum or Father Fabio.